Study Skin Care Cosmetology and Find a Job in a Salon

There is a lot of career advancement for cosmetologists in the skin care field. The more schooling and knowledge you can get in the many different areas of cosmetology. When you add the experience of skin care to your cosmetology license, a salon would be happy to get such a knowledgeable candidate. If you can specialize in all three areas of cosmetology including hair, nails and skin care salons are sure to welcome you aboard. You would then become a triple threat. There are many cosmetology schools that offer skin care that is used in salons, allowing you to get appropriate training. Training to become estheticians requires a lot of knowledge about the different skin types, and how to treat them.

What Does An Esthetician Do?

As an accredited esthetician, you will be able to see clients and determine their skin care needs. You will be able to find the right care for your customer’s skin type. You will regularly use a lamp or visor to maximize the skin so you can accurately perform the skin care needs. When you obtain your cosmetology license and provide skin care in a salon, you will also be performing facials to cleanse pores and improve the skin tone. You will also be applying chemical peels to help reuse fine lines and age spots. You will also be trained on how to remove unwanted facial hair using wax to make it disappear. Some clients would like their eyebrows tinted, along with the waxing. You will also select and apply cosmetics, lotions and different skin care products. You will be required to complete a certain number of classroom hours, and also some on the job hours.

Where to Find Employment Once Training Is Complete

Where should you look for employment once you have completed you cosmetology course in skin care? A salon is the perfect place to start. There are so many different types of salons to choose from. Many of the shopping malls around the world have salons in them that allow you to put your cosmetology license in skin care to good use. Another place you could look would be a spa. There are many hotels who offer these services to their guests. It is also possible to start your own business or salon with the cosmetology license in skin care you have obtained. There are always new businesses opening up and many are salons who allow you to get additional training and even encourage it. If skin care is an area you would like to dabble in, you should attend one of the many cosmetology schools in your area that offer skin care courses.